
The Parents, Staff and Friends Association

By joining the PS&F community, you are welcomed as part of a network of parents, staff and friends who work in partnership with the College.

The Parents, Staff, and Friends Association (PS&F) is the parent body of Mancel College, which supports the school in providing facilities and educational experiences for students and builds connections within the school community. It gives the opportunity for families to stay informed about and contribute to activities at the school. Its members are parents/carers, representatives from the school, and friends such as relatives and alumni.

What is the purpose of the PS&F?

The aims of the PS&F are to:

  • Provide a forum for information and communication with the school and other parents
  • Enhance the school community through events to connect families and opportunities for participation
  • Raise Funds to support the school, such as equipment and educational tools
  • Support the class representatives to help foster connections in each year level
  • Provide a second-hand uniform shop

How can I participate in the PS&F?

There are many ways to be involved, from being a member to simply coming along to events:

  • Come along to the events we arrange for families, students and parents.
  • Assist with an event or project by joining an organising committee or volunteering to help on the day.
  • Dial into the monthly online PS&F meetings (last Tuesday of each month at 7pm) to participate or to listen to the updates from the school or committee (all parents welcome at any time).
    Becoming a Class Representative.
  • Joining the executive committee to help coordinate the PS&F.

Class Representative

Each class in Mancel College invites parents to come forward to nominate themselves as class representatives. The Class Representative’s role is to help facilitate helpful information flow to parents from the school and PS&F and foster social connections.

PS&F Events

Stay tuned for more information being distributed via email from the College and on the Mancel Families Facebook page about these exciting events:

If you can volunteer your time to be a part of an organising committee or to help out during the day, please get in touch with us. It’s great fun and a wonderful way to meet other Mancel College families.

Easter Raffle

Congratulations to our winners of the Easter Raffle. Watch the video on the right to see the prizes and winners.

How can I contact the PS&F?

If you know of anyone in the College community who is interested in joining us or wants to connect with other carers/parents, please get in touch with us at

All Mancel parents/carers are invited to attend meetings, which are held on the last Tuesday of each month via Zoom at 7pm, with the school sending out details in advance.

Support Developmental Language Disorder Day

on #DLDday, Friday October 14th, 2022

14 October is Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) Awareness Day.
The 2022 DLDday theme is Growing with DLD, highlighting that DLD is a lifelong, permanent disability.