
The only specialist school in Australia focused on Language Disorder.

Mancel College is a specialist Prep to Year 12 school for students with Language Disorder. Our students come from far and wide, with many of our families becoming part of the local community or commuting from the wider Brisbane area. The College is operated by Language Disorder Australia.

Our expert team of teachers, therapists and support staff at Mancel College ensures that our students fulfil their learning and communication potential while overcoming barriers, allowing them to become confident, independent people, achieving extraordinary outcomes.

We provide the Australian curriculum with a differentiated teaching model to meet the needs of every individual. Speech and language therapy, occupational therapy and physiotherapy are integrated throughout the curriculum. We also offer a range of wonderful activities through our co-curricular program. Excellence is achieved through a collaborative approach between teaching and allied health staff to accomplish the best outcomes for each student.

I encourage you to book a tour today to see in person what makes Mancel College such a special community.

Looking forward to meeting you.

Peter Foster

“Our goal is to nurture our students, providing them with incredible opportunities unavailable elsewhere.”

Student Playing

What People Say About Us

“Lucy started at Mancel College in 2022 at Prep. We were unsure how Lucy would go at the school. We had a few options in regards to schooling for Prep. Once approved at Mancel, we made the plunge and committed to enrolling Lucy to see how she would go. It didn’t take long to see the benefits. It’s an establishment dedicated to education, matched with therapy and continual support. All this in a welcoming and holistic environment for the kids and parents. As the months rolled on, we saw progress step after step, Lucy’s skills improving and watched her grow as a person. We are very thankful to the staff and school and everything they have provided to let Lucy be the best she can. We look forward to more years at Mancel and seeing Lucy grow strength to strength!”

Nicolas, parent

“Our Mancel College story began in January 2020, when we moved from Sydney to Brisbane to attend the school. After years of struggling to obtain evidence based and comprehensive support in mainstream schools, we bit the bullet and made the jump to the school, and have not looked back. Walking into the school we felt we had met our tribe. Teachers and therapists that are so specially trained, and a community who just ‘gets it’. Now in our 4th year at the school, I can’t express the gratitude for everything (academically, socially and emotionally) that the College has equipped my son with. He has gone from strength to strength and will no doubt reap lifelong benefits from attending Mancel College.”

Nidia, parent

“Anakin struggled to get communication to and from teachers at other NON language schools; they have too many students that speak well and most teachers at these schools don’t or can’t put the little extra efforts that children with differences need. At Mancel College the teachers are so caring and considerate, more patient and know the children need the time to verbally express what they are trying to say. This has led to Anakin learning to join in, being heard and enjoying being at school. With smaller school class sizes, the buildings more soundproof, and limited noises, he comes home calm. An experience he didn’t have at State schools.”

Deborah, parent

“I love working at Mancel because I get to see the kids grow and develop into some amazing people. They tell me about their hobbies, their dreams & goals and how much they like being at our school”

Ariana, Barista

“I have been so privileged to be able to work across the school with all levels of students. This has allowed me the opportunity to see how our students have progressed from the early years to when they have graduated from our college”

Carla Hallesy, School Assistant

“In Term 4 last year, I began taking a small group of students up to The University of QLD to participate in weekly specialist cricket training. The group consisted of majority senior school students and one Year 3 student. This Year 3 student looked up to the senior students and they became very protective of him. Despite the large age gap, the group bonded over their shared love of sport (in particular cricket and rugby). Towards the end of the year, the older boys became sad to learn that the Year 3 student was leaving Mancel College and not returning in 2023. They expressed this to me one day and mentioned that they had come up with an idea to buy this Year 3 boy a rugby ball in his favourite team colours as a farewell gift. I thought it was a lovely idea but didn’t think much more about it until the last day of term when several staff members passed on the message that these particular senior school students were looking for me. When I found them, I discovered the reason they wanted me was to sign the rugby ball that they had taken the initiative to fund, purchase, bring into school, and that they were planning on presenting the year 3 student with his farewell gift before he left that day. This demonstration of leadership, initiative and genuine thoughtfulness touched me deeply, and in that moment, I swelled with pride at the privilege of having the job that I do; having front row seats on the journey alongside these students as they develop their character and find their place in the world. Pride accompanied gratefulness for the incredible team of staff that I get to work alongside every day, all of whom play an integral part in allowing these Mancel College students to feel confident, capable and safe enough to communicate in the language of their passions and be the best versions of themselves that they can possibly be!”

Victoria Venter, Coordinator for Co-Curricular

“I have been teaching since 1990 throughout Australia in various roles, including being a Prep to 7 classroom teacher, Music teacher, Special Ed teacher (special schools and ECDP’s), Childcare director and PE/sports teacher in the state, independent and private sector. I have also had the privilege to teach adults through TAFE, childcare centres and schools who are continuing their education through further study. I was offered this position at Mancel college at Easter time last year and can honestly say that I am so grateful to be part of an incredible team. I strongly feel that I am part of the school community through the support and guidance that is given daily. I feel appreciated and there are always staff/leadership to assist and teach as I strive to continual better myself. Mancel college is such a positive, supportive environment, the students and families are amazing, and I honestly couldn’t wish for a better place to work.”

Karenne McClure, PE teacher

“I love working at Mancel College because of our amazing students. They are all unique and teach me just as much as I hope I teach them. I also think we have a very special staff team. We all love the kids and are passionate about what we do. Each staff member is valued and seen as an equal member of the team. There is also plenty of humour and laughter at Mancel College which makes it a joy to come to work each day.”

Tanya Pitt, School Assistant

“I have been a speech pathologist for many years, and because of this, I’ve always interacted closely with teachers and schools. However, I was never able to be a PART of this kind of community until I joined Mancel College last year.
Children spend the majority of their waking hours at school, and traditionally in Australia it has been very difficult to successfully collaborate with and assist teachers with their students who were suffering in the classroom as a result of Language Disorder. This was mostly because of difficulty with timing and organisation rather than a lack of interest on either side. Teachers were often so receptive to the strategies I offered up in meetings when something was finally organised. They were eager to better serve their student, but realistically I knew that they just did not have the time with 28 other children in the class. I would continue to support my client once a week in private sessions, wondering what was going on at school and what they were actually taking away from their education. At Mancel College, therapists are a part of the classroom. We have access to what students are doing every day, and are invited to demonstrate strategies in the classroom or suggest alternate approaches to curriculum delivery. We can observe firsthand and work with students on tasks that are relevant to their everyday, rather than creating new therapy tasks based on second-hand knowledge of the curriculum. Not only have I enjoyed working with such a huge range of different professionals across the education space, but I have also learned a lot from the teachers, school assistants and other therapists. My ideas as a speech pathologist have been embraced, expanded on and celebrated. Many therapists feel burnt out by the fast pace and repetitive nature of our practice in the community, and while I’m always very busy at school, I have been so grateful for the change up.”

Lily Wilks, Speech Language Pathologist

Our Support Networks

Australia’s trusted provider of contemporary, high-quality integrated services for children and young people with Language Disorder.

Therapy support for children and young people with Language Disorder and other developmental and learning needs.

Enhancing outcomes for students with Language Disorder through consultation, capacity building through intensive support and professional learning for school staff.

Support Developmental Language Disorder Day

on #DLDday, Friday October 14th, 2022

14 October is Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) Awareness Day.
The 2022 DLDday theme is Growing with DLD, highlighting that DLD is a lifelong, permanent disability.