May 2024, Edition 3/24

Belong – May 2024

, Edition 3/24
Mark Yeowell – CEO

We are excited to celebrate the official opening of Building 2. We are also proud to be nominated as an excellence awardee for the Australian Education Awards 2024 in the Special Education School of the Year category.

Peter Foster – Principal & Nici Morey – Coordinator of Curriculum

New timetables will be implemented across the school specifically within the senior school. This is a result of both staff and students’ feedback.  Currently, the time allocations have not allowed students sufficient time to engage in the required learning such as preparation, cooking/making and clean up. Vital components of both Hospitality and Design and Technology.

Correct time allocations for other subject areas have been adjusted in alignment with the Australian Curriculum and QCAA legislation and expectations.  Years 7 and 8 will have more structured electives. These will include accessing functional literacy and numeracy in the mini woollies as well as horticulture. Providing students an opportunity to experience these areas before subject selection in years 9/10. Whilst we know change is challenging the changes made are as subtle as they can be. The original subjects, tutor groups and staff have been used and their expertise utilised to ensure we have happy staff and even happier students.

Assessment, moderation and reporting are underway, and the school will celebrate the outstanding achievements of our students in semester 1.

Key Dates

Wednesday, 5 to Friday, 7 June – Year 7 and 8 Camp

Friday, 14 June – Last Day of Term 2 and Interhouse Athletics

Monday, 8 July – First Day of Term 3

Tiffany Rylands – Coordinator of Pathways and Partnerships

There has been a lot happening in the Pathways space this term for Mancel College’s Senior School students. The Year 7/8s have been learning about equipment safety for both the Hospitality and Design Technology learning spaces by working through the Onguard Safety training modules. With the recent introduction of double lessons of Hospitality in the new timetables, students in Years 7-10 have been in the kitchen cooking up a storm. Our focus this year has been on native ingredients, and the students have been preparing and cooking dishes that contain a variety of indigenous ingredients. This showcases to the students how indigenous ingredients can be incorporated into everyday recipes with both sweet and savoury applications.

The Year 11-12 Hospitality students have been focusing on cuisines from around the world while also utilising indigenous ingredients. The students prepared a Mexican feast to commemorate Cinco de Mayo celebrations. They have also been learning and practising culinary skills such as fresh pasta making and have made fresh fettuccine and pumpkin and feta-filled ravioli from scratch (see photos below).

On Friday, 24 May, the Years 10-12 students had the opportunity to attend the Careers and Employment Expo at the Brisbane Convention Centre. Students were able to meet with, ask questions of, and gather information from exhibitors about career pathways in their interest areas. Some of the highlights included students trying their hand at fashion design, learning how VR headsets can be used in the workplace, wearing police vests, and seeing how they look in HiVis gear. Students will review the information at school in the coming weeks and create a recount of their experience at the expo and the information they were able to gather. This will form an important part of the SET planning meetings that will be held next term, where discussions around future pathways and options will take place for students and their parents.



Under 8’s Day

We celebrated Under 8’s Day with the theme ‘Connecting to Culture through Play’. Some of the activities included book reading, pom-pom colour sorting, making crowns, and even a visit from the firefighters and police vehicles. Under 8’s Week has been running in Queensland for over fifty years and plays a vital role in promoting the importance of early childhood and play. From the look of the photos below it was a fun day for all our students involved.

Sarah Walters – PS&F President
  • Thank you to our Mother’s Day Stall team – we had lots of happy children and mothers. Special thanks to Rosanna for all her running around and Tracey for her help with coordination.
  • $3,948 was raised on Trivia Night, which will go towards instruments for the school.

Upcoming events

  • Please make sure you read the PS&F minutes and volunteer if you can.
  • We need helpers for the end of term BBQ.
  • We would love to see more people turning up to meetings. The more community feedback we get, the better we can serve the community.  There will be no meeting in June as this falls during school holidays.

Support Developmental Language Disorder Day

on #DLDday, Friday October 14th, 2022

14 October is Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) Awareness Day.
The 2022 DLDday theme is Growing with DLD, highlighting that DLD is a lifelong, permanent disability.